2.1. Cool Tools#

2.1.1. Work with Countries, Currencies, Subdivisions, and more#

Do you work with international data?

You probably know how important it is to use the correct codes for countries, currencies, languages, and subdivisions.

To save the headache, try pycountry for Python!

pycountry makes it easy to work with these codes.

It allows you to look up country and currency information by name or code based on ISO.

But it can also be used to get the name or code for a specific currency or country.

!pip install pycountry
import pycountry

# Get Country

# Get Currency

# Get Language

2.1.2. Generate better requirements files with pipreqs#

To generate a requirements.txt file, don’t do pip freeze > requirements.txt

It will save all packages in your environment including those you are not currently using in your project (but still have installed).

Instead, use pipreqs.

pipreqs will only save those packages based on imports in your project.

A very good option for plain virtual environments.

!pip install pipreqs
!pipreqs .

2.1.3. Remove a package and its dependencies with pip-autoremove#

When you want to remove a package via pip, you will encounter following problem:

pip will remove the desired package but not its unused dependencies.

Instead, try pip-autoremove.

It will automatically remove a package and its unused dependencies.

A really good option when you are not using something like Poetry.

!pip install pip-autoremove
!pip-autoremove flask -y

2.1.4. Get distance between postal codes#

Do you want the distance between two postal codes?

Use pgeocode.

Just specify your country + postal codes and get the distance in KM.

!pip install pgeocode
import pgeocode

dist = pgeocode.GeoDistance('DE')
dist.query_postal_code('10117', '80331')

2.1.5. Working with units with pint#

Have you ever struggled with units in Python?

With pint, you don’t have to.

pint is a Python library for easy unit conversion and manipulation.

You can handle physical quantities with units, perform conversions, and perform arithmetic with physical quantities.

With pint, you keep track of your units and ensure accurate results.

!pip install pint
import pint

# Initializing the unit registry
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()

# Defining a physical quantity with units
distance = 33.0 * ureg.kilometers
# 33.0 kilometer

# Converting between units
# 108267.71653543308 foot

# Performing arithmetic operations
speed = 6 * distance / ureg.hour
# 198.0 kilometer / hour

2.1.6. Supercharge your Python profiling with Scalene#

Want to identify Python performance issues?

Try Scalene, your Profiler on steroids!

Scalene is a Python CPU + GPU + Memory profiler to identify bottlenecks.

Even with AI-powered optimization proposals!

Scalene comes with an easy-to-use CLI and web-based GUI.

!pip install scalene
!scalene <my_module.py>

2.1.7. Fix unicode errors with ftfy#

Have you ever struggled with Unicode errors in your Python code?

Try ftfy!

ftfy repairs scrambled text which occurs as a result of encoding or decoding problems.

You will probably know it when text in a foreign language can’t appear correctly.

In Python you only have to call one method from ftfy to fix it.

!pip install ftfy
import ftfy

print(ftfy.fix_text('What does “ftfyâ€\x9d mean?'))
print(ftfy.fix_text('✔ Check'))
print(ftfy.fix_text('The Mona Lisa doesn’t have eyebrows.'))

2.1.8. Remove the background from images with rembg#

Do you want to remove the background from images with Python?

Use rembg.

With its pre-trained models, rembg makes removing the background of your images easy.

!pip install rembg
from rembg import remove
import cv2

input_path = 'car.jpg'
output_path = 'car2.jpg'

input_file = cv2.imread(input_path)
output_file = remove(input_file)
cv2.imwrite(output_path, output_file)

2.1.9. Build modern CLI apps with typer#

Tired of building clunky CLI for your Python applications?

Try typer.

typer makes it easy to create clean, intuitive CLI apps that are easy to use and maintain.

It also comes with auto-generated help messages.

Ditch argparse.

!pip install typer
# hello_script.py
import typer

app = typer.Typer()

def hello(name: str):
    typer.echo(f"Hello, {name}!")
def bye(name: str):
    typer.echo(f"Bye, {name}!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
!python hello_script.py hello John

2.1.10. Generate realistic fake data with faker#

Creating realistic test data for your Python projects is annoying.

faker helps you to do that!

With just a few lines of code, you can generate realistic and diverse test data, such as :

  • Names

  • Addresses

  • Phone numbers

  • Email addresses

  • Jobs

And more!

You can even set the local or language for more diverse output.

!pip install faker
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker('fr_FR')

2.1.11. Enrich your progress bars with rich#

Do you want a more colorful output for progress bars?

Use rich

rich offers a beautiful progress bar, instead of tqdm’s boring output.

With rich.progress.track, you can get a colorful output.

!pip install rich
from rich.progress import track
for url in track(range(25000000)):
    # Do something

2.1.12. Set the description for tqdm bars#

When you work with progress bars, you will probably use 𝐭𝐪𝐝𝐦.

Do you know you can add descriptions to your bar?

You can do that with set_description().

import tqdm
import glob

files = tqdm.tqdm(glob.glob("sample_data/*.csv"))
for file in files:
    files.set_description(f"Read {file}")

2.1.13. Convert Emojis to Text with emot#

Analyzing emojis and emoticons in texts can give you useful insights.

With emot, you can convert emoticons into words.

Especially useful for sentiment analysis.

!pip install emot
import emot 
emot_obj = emot.core.emot()
text = "I love python ☮ 🙂 ❤ :-) :-( :-)))" 

2.1.15. Cache requests with requests-cache#

Do you want better performance for requests?

Use requests-cache.

It caches HTTP requests so you don’t have to make the same requests again and again.

In the example below, a test endpoint with a 1-second delay will be called.

With the standard requests library, this takes 60 seconds.

With requests-cache, this takes 1 second.

!pip install requests-cache
# This takes 60 seconds
import requests

session = requests.Session()
for i in range(60):

# This takes 1 second
import requests_cache

session = requests_cache.CachedSession('test_cache')
for i in range(60):

2.1.16. Unify messy columns with unifyname#

Do you want to unify messy string columns?

Try unifyname, based on fuzzy string matching.

This small library cleans up your messy columns with 100s of different variations for one word.

!pip install unifyname
import pandas as pd
from unifyname.utils import unify_names, deduplicate_list_string

data = pd.read_csv("")

data["BAIRRO DO IMOVEL"].value_counts()

data = unify_names(data,column='BAIRRO DO IMOVEL',threshold_count=500)

data["BAIRRO DO IMOVEL"].value_counts()

2.1.18. Matplotlib for your Terminal#

bashplotlib is a little library that displays basic ASCII graphs in your terminal.

It provides a quick way to visualize your data.

Currently, bashplotlib only supports histogram and scatter plots.

!pip install bashplotlib
!hist --file test.txt

2.1.19. Display a Dependency Tree of your Environment#

Do you want to stop resolving dependency issues?

Try pipdeptree.

pipdeptree displays your installed Python packages in the form of a dependency tree.

It will also show you warnings when there are possible version conflicts.

An alternative to tools like Poetry which resolves dependency issues for you automatically.

!pip install pipdeptree

2.1.20. Sort LaTeX acronyms automatically#

I wrote a small library (acrosort-tex) to sort LaTeX acronyms with one command automatically.

It was a fun Sunday project where I really learned how easy it is to publish a package with Poetry.

Currently, it only supports acronyms in the following format:


but it’s a beginning :)

See below for a small example.

Link to the repository: https://lnkd.in/eTF8qs5w

!pip install acrosort_tex
!acrosort old.tex new.tex

2.1.21. Make ASCII Art from Text#

Create ASCII Art From Text in your Terminal

With pyfiglet, you can generate banner-like text with Python.

This is a nice feature to introduce your users to your Python CLI apps.

!pip install pyfiglet
# Default font
ascii_art = pyfiglet.figlet_format('Hello, world!')

# Alphabet font
ascii_art = pyfiglet.figlet_format('Hello, world!', font='Alphabet')

# Bubblehead font
ascii_art = pyfiglet.figlet_format('Hello, world!', font='bulbhead')

2.1.22. Display NER with spacy#

If you want to perform and visualize Named-entity Recognition, use spacy.displacy.

It makes NER and visualizing detected entities super easy.

displacy has some other cool tools like visualizing dependencies within a sentence or visualizing spans, so check it out.

import spacy
from spacy import displacy

text = "Chelsea Football Club is an English professional football club based in Fulham, West London.\
        Founded in 1905, they play their home games at Stamford Bridge. \
        The club competes in the Premier League, the top division of English football. \
        They won their first major honour, the League championship, in 1955."

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp(text)
displacy.render(doc, style="ent", jupyter=True)

2.1.23. Create TikZ pictures with Python#

If you have ever written a paper in LaTeX, you probably used TikZ for your graphics.

TikZ is probably the most powerful tool to create graphic elements.

And notoriously hard to learn.

No need to worry, you can create TikZ-figures in Python too.

With tikzplotlib, you can convert matplotlib figures into TikZ.

You can then insert the resulting plot in your LaTeX file.

Really useful when you don’t want the hassle with TikZ.

!pip install tikzplotlib
import tikzplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


t = np.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.1)
s = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t)
s2 = np.cos(2 * np.pi * t)
plt.plot(t, s, "o-", lw=4.1)
plt.plot(t, s2, "o-", lw=4.1)
plt.xlabel("time (s)")
plt.ylabel("Voltage (mV)")
plt.title("Simple plot $\\frac{\\alpha}{2}$")


2.1.24. Human-readable RegEx with PRegEx#

RegEx is notoriously nasty to read and write.

For a human-readable alternative, try PRegEx.

PRegEx is a Python library aiming to have an easy-to-remember syntax to write RegEx patterns.

It offers a way to easily break down a complex pattern into multiple simpler ones that can then be combined.

See below how we can write a pattern that matches any URL that ends with either “.com” or “.org” as well as any IP address for which a 4-digit port number is specified.

from pregex.core.classes import AnyLetter, AnyDigit, AnyFrom
from pregex.core.quantifiers import Optional, AtLeastAtMost
from pregex.core.operators import Either
from pregex.core.groups import Capture
from pregex.core.pre import Pregex

http_protocol = Optional('http' + Optional('s') + '://')

www = Optional('www.')

alphanum = AnyLetter() | AnyDigit()

domain_name = \
  alphanum + \
  AtLeastAtMost(alphanum | AnyFrom('-', '.'), n=1, m=61) + \

tld = '.' + Either('com', 'org')

ip_octet = AnyDigit().at_least_at_most(n=1, m=3)

port_number = (AnyDigit() - '0') + 3 * AnyDigit()

# Combine sub-patterns together.
pre: Pregex = \
    http_protocol + \
        www + Capture(domain_name) + tld,
        3 * (ip_octet + '.') + ip_octet + ':' + port_number

2.1.25. Perform OCR with easyOCR#

Effortlessly extract text from Images with EasyOCR

EasyOCR is a Python library for Optical Character Recognition (OCR), built on top of PyTorch.

It supports over 80 languages and writing scripts like Latin, Chinese, Arabic and Cyrillic.

See below how easy we can extract text from a given image.

PS: Even if it’s working on CPU, running on GPU is recommended.

!pip install easyocr
import easyocr

reader = easyocr.Reader(['en'])
image_path = 'english_image.png'
results = reader.readtext(image_path)

for result in results:
    text = result[1]

2.1.26. Diagram-as-Code with diagrams#

With the package diagrams, you can draw various types of diagrams with Python code.

It offers a simple syntax and nodes from many Cloud Providers like AWS, Azure or GCP.

See below how easy it is to draw a simple architecture.

!pip install diagrams
from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.aws.compute import EC2
from diagrams.aws.database import RDS
from diagrams.aws.network import ELB

with Diagram("Grouped Workers", show=False, direction="TB"):
    ELB("lb") >> [EC2("worker1"),
                  EC2("worker5")] >> RDS("events")

Example of a small Architecture

2.1.27. Powerful Retry Functionality with tenacity#

What, if an API call in your program fails?

Because of, let’s say, instable internet connection?

This is not so uncommon.

You usually should have some sort of retry mechanism in your program.

With tenacity in Python, this isn’t a problem anymore.

tenacity offers a retrying behaviour with a decorator with powerful features like:

  • Define Stop Conditions

  • Define Wait Conditions

  • Customize retrying on Exception

  • Retry on Coroutines

!pip install tenacity
import tenacity as t

# Stop after N attempts
def stop_after_5_attempts():
    print("Stopping after 5 attempts")
    raise Exception
# OR Condition
@retry(stop=(t.stop_after_delay(10) | t.stop_after_attempt(5)))
def stop_after_10_s_or_5_retries():
    print("Stopping after 10 seconds or 5 retries")
    raise Exception
# Wait for X Seconds
def wait_2_s():
    print("Wait 2 second between retries")
    raise Exception
# Retry for specific Exceptions
def might_io_error():
    print("Retry forever with no wait if an IOError occurs, raise any other errors")
    raise Exception

2.1.28. Performant Graph Analysis with python-igraph#

When you want to work with graphs in Python

Use python-igraph.

python-igraph offers a Python Interface to igraph, a fast and open source C library to manipulate and analyze graphs.

Due to its high performance, it can handle larger graphs for complex network research which you can visualize with matplotlib or plotly.

It’s documentation also offers neat tutorials for different purposes.

!pip install igraph
import igraph as ig
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

g = ig.Graph(
    [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5)]

g.es['width'] = 0.5

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

2.1.29. Speedtests via CLI with speedtest-cli#

If you want to test your internet bandwidth via your CLI

try speedtest-cli.

speedtest-cli tests your internet bandwidth via speedtest(dot)net.

It’s installable via pip.

!pip install speedtest-cli

2.1.30. Minimalistic Database for Python with tinydb#

Do you search for a minimalistic document-oriented database in Python?

Use tinydb.

tinydb is written in pure Python and offers a lightweight document-oriented database.

It’s perfect for small apps and hobby projects.

!pip install tinydb
from tinydb import TinyDB, Query

db = TinyDB('/path/to/db.json')
db.insert({'int': 1, 'char': 'a'})
db.insert({'int': 1, 'char': 'b'})

2.1.31. Calculate Code Metrics with radon#

How do you ensure your codebase stays clean and maintainable?

What if you can calculate how complex your codebase is?

There are different metrics to do that:

  • Raw Metrics like Source Lines of Code (SLOC) or Logical Lines of Code (LLOC). They are not a good estimator for the complexity.

  • Cyclomatic Complexity: Corresponds to the number of decisions in the code + 1 (e.g. every for or if counts).

  • Halstead Metrics: Metrics derived from the number of distinct and total operators and operands.

  • Maintainability Index: Measures how maintainable the code is. It’s a mix of SLOC, Cyclomatic Complexity, and a Halstead Metric.

With radon, you can calculate those metrics described above in Python (or via CLI).

!pip install radon
!radon cc example.py

2.1.32. Better Alternative to requests#

Want a better alternative to requests?

Use httpx for Python.

httpx is a modern alternative to requests to make HTTP requests (while having a similar API).

One of the main advantages is it supports asynchronous requests (while requests doesn’t).

This can lead to performance improvements when dealing with multiple endpoints concurrently.

Just try it for yourself.

!pip install httpx
import httpx

r = httpx.get('https://httpbin.org/get')
r = httpx.put('https://httpbin.org/put', data={'key': 'value'})
r = httpx.delete('https://httpbin.org/delete')

# Async support
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
     r = await client.get('https://www.example.com/')

2.1.33. Managing Configurations with python-dotenv#

Struggling with managing your Python project’s configuration?

Try python-dotenv.

python-dotenv reads key-value pairs from a .env file and can set them as environment variables.

You don’t have to hard-code those in your code.

!pip install python-dotenv
# .env
from dotenv import load_dotenv, dotenv_values
import os

# Set environment variables defined in .env

# Or as a dictionary, without touching environment variables
config = dotenv_values(".env")


2.1.34. Work with Notion via Python with#

Did you know you can interact with Notion via Python?

notion-client is a Python SDK for working with the Notion API.

You can create databases, search for items, interact with pages, etc.

Check the example below.

!pip install notion-client
from notion_client import Client

notion = Client("<NOTION_TOKEN>")


my_page = notion.databases.query(
            "database_id": "897e5a76-ae52-4b48-9fdf-e71f5945d1af",
            "filter": {
                "property": "Landmark",
                "rich_text": {
                    "contains": "Bridge",

2.1.35. SQL Query Builder in Python#

You can build SQL queries in Python with pypika.

pypika provides a simple interface to build SQL queries with an easy syntax.

It supports nearly every SQL command.

from pypika import Tables, Query

history, customers = Tables('history', 'customers')
q = Query \
    .from_(history) \
    .join(customers) \
    .on(history.customer_id == customers.id) \
    .select(history.star) \
    .where(customers.id == 5)
# SELECT "history".* FROM "history" JOIN "customers" 
# ON "history"."customer_id"="customers"."id" WHERE "customers"."id"=5

2.1.36. Text-to-Speech Generation with MeloTTS#

Do you want high-quality text-to-speech in Python?

Use MeloTTS.

MeloTTS supports various languages for speech generation without needing a GPU.

You can use it via CLI, Python API or Web UI.

!git clone https://github.com/myshell-ai/MeloTTS.git
!cd MeloTTS
!pip install -e .
!python -m unidic download
!melo "Text to read" output.wav --language EN
from melo.api import TTS

speed = 1.0
device = 'cpu'

text = "La lueur dorée du soleil caresse les vagues, peignant le ciel d'une palette éblouissante."
model = TTS(language='FR', device=device)
speaker_ids = model.hps.data.spk2id

output_path = 'fr.wav'
model.tts_to_file(text, speaker_ids['FR'], output_path, speed=speed)

2.1.37. Powerful SQL Parser and Transpiler with SQLGlot#

With SQLGlot, you can parse, optimize, transpile and format SQL queries.

You can even translate between 21 different flavours like DuckDB, Snowflake, Spark and Hive.

!pip install sqlglot
import sqlglot

sqlglot.transpile("SELECT TOP 1 salary FROM employees WHERE age > 30", read="tsql", write="hive")[0]
# SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE age > 30 LIMIT 1

sqlglot.transpile("SELECT foo FROM (SELECT baz FROM t")
#ParseError: Expecting ). Line 1, Col: 34. SELECT foo FROM (SELECT baz FROM t

2.1.38. Prettify Python Errors with pretty_errors#

Are you annoyed from the unclear Python error messages?

Try pretty_errors.

It’s a library to prettify Python exception output to make it more readable and clear.

It also allows you to configure the output like changing colors, separator character, displaying locals, etc..

!pip install pretty_errors
import pretty_errors

# Optional: Configurations
    separator_character = '*',
    filename_display    = pretty_errors.FILENAME_EXTENDED,
    line_number_first   = True,
    display_link        = True,
    lines_before        = 5,
    lines_after         = 2,
    line_color          = pretty_errors.RED + '> ' + pretty_errors.default_config.line_color,
    code_color          = '  ' + pretty_errors.default_config.line_color,
    truncate_code       = True,
    display_locals      = True

x = 10 / 0

2.1.39. Unified Python DataFrame API with ibis#

Are you annoyed by learning a new API for handling dataframes every week?

With ibis, you don’t have to anymore.

ibis defines a Python dataframe API which runs on over 20+ backends.

Polars, Pandas, PySpark, Snowflake, BigQuery - you name it.

You just have to install ibis with the corresponding backend, the rest stays the same.

!pip install 'ibis-framework[duckdb]'
import ibis

# Set different backends
ibis.set_backend("duckdb") # or ibis.set_backend("polars")

conn = ibis.duckdb.connect()
data = conn.read_parquet("data.parquet")

result = data.group_by(["species", "island"]).agg(count=data.count()).order_by("count")

2.1.40. Create Beautiful Tables with great_tables#

Do you want to create nice-looking tables in Python?

Try great_tables.

great_tables lets you create beautiful and high-quality tables with an easy API.

You can use the pre-defined table components like footer, header, and table body by bringing your dataframe.

!pip install great_tables
from great_tables import GT
from great_tables.data import sp500

start_date = "2010-06-07"
end_date = "2010-06-14"

    .tab_header(title="S&P 500", subtitle=f"{start_date} to {end_date}")
    .fmt_currency(columns=["open", "high", "low", "close"])
    .fmt_date(columns="date", date_style="wd_m_day_year")
    .fmt_number(columns="volume", compact=True)

2.1.41. Data Quality Checks for Dataframes with cuallee#

Do you want to make quality checks for your dataframes?

Try cuallee.

cuallee provides an API to validate your dataframe for common things like completeness, dates, anomalies or membership.

cuallee supports the most popular libraries and providers like Polars, DuckDB, BigQuery, and Snowflake.

!pip install cuallee
from cuallee import Check, CheckLevel

check = Check(CheckLevel.WARNING, "Completeness")
check = Check(CheckLevel.WARNING, "CheckIsBetweenDates")
df = spark.sql(
                interval 1 day)) as date
assert (
    check.is_between("date", "2022-01-01", "2022-01-10")
    .status == "PASS"

2.1.42. OCR, Line Detection and Layout Analysis with surya#

Do you need an open-source OCR package?

Try surya.

surya is an OCR + layout analysis + line detection library for Python, supporting over 90 languages.

A great alternative to popular libraries like easyocr.

!pip install surya-ocr
from PIL import Image
from surya.ocr import run_ocr
from surya.model.detection import segformer
from surya.model.recognition.model import load_model
from surya.model.recognition.processor import load_processor

image = Image.open(IMAGE_PATH)
langs = ["en"]
det_processor, det_model = segformer.load_processor(), segformer.load_model()
rec_model, rec_processor = load_model(), load_processor()

predictions = run_ocr([image], [langs], det_model, det_processor, rec_model, rec_processor)

2.1.43. Decode/Encode JWTs with PyJWT#

For working with JWT in Python, use PyJWT.

PyJWT is a Python library for encoding/decoding JWTs easily.

!pip install pyjwt
import jwt
encoded_jwt = jwt.encode({"some": "payload"}, "secret", algorithm="HS256")
jwt.decode(encoded_jwt, "secret", algorithms=["HS256"])

2.1.44. Convert HTML to Markdown with markdownify#

To convert HTML to Markdown with Python, use markdownify.

markdownify is a Python library which provides a simple function to convert HTML to markdown.

It also supports many options like stripping out elements.

!pip install markdownify
from markdownify import markdownify as md
md('<b>Yay</b> <a href="http://github.com">GitHub</a>')  
# Output: '**Yay** [GitHub](http://github.com)'

2.1.45. Build Web Apps with mesop#

Google Devs published a new open-source Streamlit competitor.

It’s called mesop to build web apps in Python rapidly.

It provides ready-to-use components or you can build your ones, without writing HTML/CSS/JS code.

!pip install mesop
import mesop as me
import mesop.labs as mel

def chat():

def transform(prompt: str, history: list[mel.ChatMessage]) -> str:
  return "Hello " + prompt

2.1.46. Anonymize PII Data with presidio#

Working with PII data can be a neckbreaker in some cases.

Luckily, for fast anonymization, you can use presidio.

presidio handles anonymization of popular entities like names, phone numbers, credit card numbers or Bitcoin wallets.

It can even handle text in images!

!pip install presidio_analyzer presidio_anonymizer
!python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine
from presidio_anonymizer import AnonymizerEngine

text_to_anonymize = "His name is Mr. Jones. His phone number is 212-555-5555."

analyzer = AnalyzerEngine()
results = analyzer.analyze(text=text_to_anonymize, entities=["PHONE_NUMBER", "PERSON"], language='en')

anonymizer = AnonymizerEngine()

anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text=text_to_anonymize, analyzer_results=results)


# Output: His name is Mr. <PERSON>. His phone number is <PHONE_NUMBER>.

2.1.47. Extract Skills from Job Postings with skillner#

Extracting skills from unstructured data can be difficult.

With 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐧𝐞𝐫 it doesn’t have to be.

𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐧𝐞𝐫 extracts skills and certifications from data based on an open source skills database.

Based on spacy and some simple rules, it achieved good results in some tests I ran.

Of course, you could also run an LLM on job ads, but do you need it?

!pip install skillNer
!python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
import spacy
from spacy.matcher import PhraseMatcher
from skillNer.general_params import SKILL_DB
from skillNer.skill_extractor_class import SkillExtractor

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg")
skill_extractor = SkillExtractor(nlp, SKILL_DB, PhraseMatcher)

job_description = """
You are a Python developer with a expertise in backend development
and can manage projects. You quickly adapt to new environments
and speak fluently English and German.

annotations = skill_extractor.annotate(job_description)
